Nordic Public Health Conference
Submission has now closed!
The Nordic Public Health Conference invites academics, stakeholders, civil society and decisions-makers to collaborate, innovate, share ideas and insights, and design blueprints for change. We believe in linking research with policy or practice for greater results and outcomes.
The conference offers four sub themes and two tracks. Please review the themes and tracks below and submit your abstract by 17 January 2025.
Setting out from an equitable health perspective, we welcome research and policy initiatives on opportunities for better health that are accessible to all. As such, submissions associated with products developed for commercial use or sales will not be accepted. Please note that all abstracts should be submitted in English.
The Nordic Public Health Conference invites academics, stakeholders, civil society and decisions-makers to collaborate, innovate, share ideas and insights, and design blueprints for change. We believe in linking research with policy or practice for greater results and outcomes.
The conference offers four sub themes and two tracks. Please review the themes and tracks below and submit your abstract by 17 January 2025.
Setting out from an equitable health perspective, we welcome research and policy initiatives on opportunities for better health that are accessible to all. As such, submissions associated with products developed for commercial use or sales will not be accepted. Please note that all abstracts should be submitted in English.
Sub Themes
Building resilient communities together
We need to build preparedness to create sustainable and resilient communities that promote good and equitable health. Creating societies that ensure both good health and a healthy environment for current and future generations take individuals, organisations, government institutions, and partners all working together.
What does it take to foster preparedness and promote equitable health? How do we build healthier and more resilient communities that are better equipped to prevent, withstand and recover from emergencies?
Promoting health equity for all
The conditions for achieving good and equitable health vary significantly across different groups in the population, with some facing a higher risk of poor health.
Why do these disparities exist, and how have they changed over time? What can be done to address these differences, both in the social determinants of health and in health outcomes?
Making the case for prioritising and investing in health and wellbeing
With limited public resources, demonstrating the benefits of prioritising health is essential. How can we show that equitable health and wellbeing not only strengthens societal resilience but also provides a foundation for addressing broader economic, social, and environmental challenges?
How can tools like health economic analyses and frameworks such as the Wellbeing Economy help prioritise health and wellbeing in decision-making? And how can we ensure that both public and private stakeholders collaborate to shape policies that foster wellbeing while supporting sustainable development?
Public health in the age of digitalisation
Digitalisation offers new opportunities to promote good and equitable health by enhancing accessibility, increasing participation, improving welfare services, and facilitating the sharing of data and knowledge more effectively. However, it also presents challenges, such as negative health impacts from excessive screen time, the influence of social media on mental health, and the risk of digital exclusion of certain groups.
How are these issues tackled in the Nordic countries, and what role can digital technology and AI play in public health? What lessons have we learned and what innovations do we anticipate as we navigate both the benefits and risks of digitalisation?
Submission structure for Research track (submitted or published academic papers)
Please note that all abstracts should be submitted in English.
For research-based abstracts, you will need to include:
- Abstract title (maximum 25 words)
- Background: Provide any relevant contextual information, the research problem or rationale, and why this research is important.
- Aim: State background and the specific objective for the study.
- Methods: Describe the methods for undertaking the research.
- Results: Summarise the most significant results of the research related to the conference themes.
- Conclusion: Discuss further any of the outcomes of the research, how it adds to the existing body of knowledge, and any implications for future research and practice.
- Keywords: Indicate a maximum of 5 keywords
Submission structure for Policy or practice track (ideas or implemented initiatives aiming to change or improve outcomes within a particular area of work)
For policy or practice-based abstracts, you will need to include:
- Abstract title (maximum 25 words)
- Background: Provide any relevant contextual information, identified need, and why this initiative is important.
- Design: Describe the methods or approach to the design of the initiative.
- Implementation: Describe the steps taken to achieve your desired change.
- Results and lessons learned: Summarise outcomes, lessons learned, and any implications for future policy or practice.
- Keywords: Indicate a maximum of 5 keywords
Submission guidelines
- Abstracts can only be submitted online via the links presented below here on our website. Submissions by fax, post or email will not be considered.
- All abstracts must be written in English.
- The presenting authors must be one of the co-authors of the submitted abstract.
- The presenting authors may request their preferred presentation method as oral, poster, or either. Please be reminded that the Scientific Programme Committee will take the request into consideration but will ultimately decide which method will be allocated to the abstract.
- Your abstract should not contain more than 400 words.
- The abstract title should not contain more than 120 characters.
- You can upload up to one figure or image to your abstract.
- Please add three to five keywords to your abstract.
- It is the author’s responsibility to submit an abstract with the correct wording. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact in the abstract text will be reproduced exactly as typed by the author
You will be able to edit your submission until you decide to submit. Once submitted, you can no longer modify any part of your text.
For questions about the submission, please contact:
Important dates 2025
17 January – Abstract submission deadline
7 February – Notification of abstracts
12 Mars – Deadline, early bird registration
25 April – Final deadline for registration
13 May – NPHC2025 start